Furthering the work of FUTUREDAIRY
2017 - TODAY
- The research phases of FutureDairy concluded in 2017. The project evolved into a new and different project, Milking Edge, which focuses on extension and training. Visit here for more details.
Robotic Milking – 600 and Beyond (RM600+)
- RM600+ is focused on building knowledge around incorporating Automatic Milking into large scale farming operations. In particular, attention is placed on pasture-based systems (>50% diet provided as grazed forage) and operating with voluntary cow traffic.
- Robotically milking 600+ cows is new, but necessary territory for the techonology and the system that surrounds it. The scale of the operation plus the impact of large herd dynamics (eg. Walking distances, milking frequency, cow behavior, management of individuals within the large herd and working routines) will present new challenges to efficiencies and effect farm management within the voluntary cow trafficking system.
- Whilst RM600+ focuses on the large herd issues it will also continue to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of management options for small to moderate scale operations (100-600 cows) which will continue to adopt Automatic Milking Systems.
- Project Supervisor: Professor Sergio (Yani) Garcia
- Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Kendra Kerrisk (no longer at the University of Sydney)
- Sponsors: FutureDairy4 (RM600+) is sponsored by Dairy Australia, The University of Sydney and DeLaval.
Feedbase : Precision Farming (incl. AMS)
2010 - 2008
Investigations into Forage, Feeding and Milking Options for Future Dairy Farm Systems in Australia
- FutureDairy 2 focused on two activity areas: Precision Farming and Feedbase. The goal was to develop sustainable dairy systems to counter the increasing cost of resource inputs and improve lifestyle through:
- Automatic milking and other new technologies, in particular the world-first automatic milking rotary (AMR, Precision farming area)
- Through the intensification of home grown forage, enabling more efficient use of land, water and grain (Feedbase area)
- Two key outcomes from FutureDairy 2 were the Management Guidelines for Pasture-based AMS and the CFS Tech Notes. More findings from our research are reported in Info Sheets, and journal articles.
- Project Leader: Assoc. Prof. Sergio (Yani) Garcia
- Feedbase: Assoc. Prof. Sergio (Yani) Garcia
- Precision Farming: Dr. Prof. Kendra Kerrisk
- Sponsors
- FutureDairy 2 was sponsored by Dairy Australia, the University of Sydney, the NSW Department of Primary Industries and DeLaval.
Forages : Feeding : Innovations (Incl. AMS)
2008 - 2004
Innovations to meet tomorrow’s challenges
- FutureDairy started in 2004 under the leadership and vision of Prof. Bill Fulkerson. It was a multidisciplinary project with the following overall objective:
- “To identify and evaluate technologies capable of sustaining and improving productivity and lifestyles on Australian dairy farms; and to improve the way farmers assess and adapt these technologies.”
- FutureDairy 1 was structured around three areas: Forages, Feeding and Innovations. Our investigations took an integrated approach, not just addressing the science, but also the implications for farming systems and the people involved in adopting new technology and practices on farm.
- Many of the findings from FutureDairy 1 are reported in our Tech Notes, Info Sheets and journal articles.
- Project Leader: Prof. Bill Fulkerson
- Forages: Dr Sergio (Yani) Garcia
- Feeding: Dr Sergio (Yani) Garcia
- Innovations: Dr. Kendra Kerrisk
- Sponsors
- FutureDairy 1 was sponsored by Dairy Australia, the University of Sydney, the NSW Department of Primary Industries and DeLaval. The project also received support from University of Melbourne, VIC Department of Primary Industries, Dairy NSW (formerly DIDCO) and the Dairy Research Foundation.